"Wingspan is a fictional character from the various Transformers universes. Wingspan has a voracious appetite for new data to absorb and analyze, and by extension, is incredibly nosey. Forever poking his beak where it does not belong, his natural hunger for information serves him well as a data processor for the Decepticons, even if he is just as likely to snoop through someone’s window as he is to spy on the latest Autobot meeting.
Wingspan transforms into a hawk, and possesses incredibly visual acuity, all the better to perform his function with. In addition to this ability, he is also equipped with a collection of chemical and infrared sensors for collecting and analyzing geographical data to help him locate natural resources for the Decepticons. In robot mode, he wields twin electro-burst rifles."
Thanks to Cosmis who randomly found this on Wikipedia. I thought it was cool and deserving of a post since I've been more then absence lately. And no this is NOT where I got my name from, ha!
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