
I hate all you religous zealots, too quick to shun those who don't fit in with your narrow-minded views, un-willing to change, even when you're wrong.

I hate all you ingorant fools, content with the overriding mediocrity that is the status quo today, utterly convinced that your governments care about you.

I hate all you war-mongering barbarian fucks, so absorbed with new and intersting ways to kill one another, incapable of making any connections with anyone.

I hate all you bourgeoisie people, looking down your nose at the rest of the population, thinking that somehow, you're better.

I hate all you hopeless emo people, with all your nihilistic ways, too caught up in your own self-important miseries to enjoy the little things in life.

I hate all you inclusive bastards, sheltering your simple minds with group-think, too dull to consider the possiblity that maybe the other side is right some of the time.

I hate all you self-righteous do-gooders, who think that they are entitled to change the world just because they make music or movies.

I hate all you people who would call me pessimist, you need to read between the lines, no one could love this place more than I, and no one could hate it more either.

I hate that in today's society, it's more acceptable to follow than to lead, that anyone who speaks out against the system is ignored. To be a leader is to be a threat. Humanity is capable of so much more than we have shown, yet we are all content with being loud, stupid, ugly and boring.
We don't like to think about things that are uncomfortable, to consider the wrongs. We think too much in blacks and whites to see the duality inherent in reality. Who says that what you think is more "right" than what anyone else thinks? Perspective is underrated. Everything would look different from another point of view.

There are no facts, only interpretations- Nietzsche